Vex Robotics Port Devices Driver Download For Windows

VEXos is a robotics operating system that supports VEX robotics hardware. VEXos Utility simplifies the process of updating VEX IQ hardware. This program is quite easy to use; simply click 'Install' after plugging-in the all the devices into the Robot Brain, and the Robot Brain into USB port. Drivers Adaptec 71605 For Windows 10. This is us trying to get the VEX V5 brain to acknowledge it has wires plugged into it. When they do not knowing how often data. Getting Started with Simulink Coder Support Package for VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain. Tune and Monitor the Model Running on VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain Overview of Monitor. The Driver Control Program is a default program built into the VEX IQ Robot Brain so it can be used with Smart Motors, Bumper Switches, and the VEX IQ Controller without programming. The Driver Control Program maps the Controller’s joysticks and buttons to control specific Smart Ports on the Brain.

This section provides a guide for wiring and programming your Vex based robot.

Wiring your Robot

The robot controller consists of a Raspberry Pi 3 which handles the high level Java program and an Arduino which handles the low level device control. The two devices communicate via serial ports.

The Arduino provides 12 servo style PWM outputs, each of which can control one Vex motor or servo. The pins are numbered from 2 to 13 as shown below.

Pins 2 through 9 support 7.2 volt motors such as the Vex motors. Pins 10 through 13 supply 5 volts an should be used for sensors or low voltage servos.

Let’s take a closer look at the connector:

Here we can see that each port has 3 connections, one for ground, one for power and one for the PWM signal which controls the speed and direction of the motor. Notice that since the power connection is in the middle, plugging the motor in backwards will not cause any serious damage, although it will not work.

If we take a look at the connector on the motor, this is what we see:

The black wire is ground, the red is power and the white is signal. They plug into the Arduino board like this:

Here, the motor is plugged into port 2. Notice that the black wire is on the outside.

The default Vex program that you will be using is configured so the left drive motor is on port 2 and the right drive motor is on port 3. If you wish to use the program unchanged, you will need to plug your drive motors into these ports.

In addition, the default program supports two auxiliary motors which should be plugged into ports 4 and 5. Once you have all of your motors plugged in, it is advisable to zip tie them together to keep them in place:


You should receive a laptop with all the required software already installed. If you wish to install the software on your own laptop, you can find instructions here.

We will be using Eclipse to program our robots. Double click on the Eclipse shortcut on your desktop and the following window should open:

Also you will need to start the driver station by double clicking on the driver station icon on the desktop. This will open the following window:

If you are using a joystick, it must be connected before you start the driver station. The team uses Logitech joysticks, but other joysticks may work if they are recognized by Windows. If you don’t have a joystick connected, click the ‘Enable Virtual Joystick’ checkbox.

Now connect the power on your robot. The Raspberry Pi is configured as a WiFi hotspot and after a minute or two, the robot should show up as available on your PC. Each robot has a unique WiFi id and your will be Robotxx where xx is the number of your robot.

Connect your PC’s WiFi to your robot (remember that when connected to the robot, you will no longer have internet access). Once connected, click the “Launch Putty” button on your driver station console. This should bring up the following window:

This is a program which runs on the Raspberry Pi. It allows Eclipse to connect to the Pi and download and run the program you are working on. This program MUST be running in order for any of the following to work.

Now to run your program, switch back to your Eclipse window and click the run button shown below:

This should start your program and the Eclipse ‘Console’ pane should show something like this:

Now that the program is running, switch back to your Driver Station console and click the ‘Connect’ and then ‘Enable’ buttons:

You should now be able to drive your robot using the virtual joystick on the right. Simply click and drag the red dot.

Modifying the program

Depending on how you mounted your motors, you may find that the robot drives backwards instead of forwards. Vex robotics driver download windows 7. This is easy enough to fix. Simply open the file and change the following line:

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This changes the sign of the up/down motion of the joystick and will cause the robot to drive in the opposite direction.

After getting your robot to drive in the correct direction, you may also find that when you try and turn, it turns in the opposite way it is supposed to. This too can easily be fixed by changing the line:


Once again, this changes the sign of the left/right motion and will cause the robot to turn the opposite direction.

While we are here, you might notice that we are multiplying the x component of the joystick by 0.5. We do this to give you better control over the robot by making it turn slower. If you decide you would like it to turn faster (or slower), you can adjust this value to some other number between 0 and 1.

Adding additional motors / Servos

You may find that you need other motors or servos to control other actuators. The default program you are using already has two additional motors configured and one servo. The subsystems for these motors are Aux1Subsystem,Aux2Subsystem and ServoSubsystem, and the commands that use these subsystem are Aux1Command,Aux2Command and ServoCommand. You probably will not need to change these subsystems or commands, and the details of how to do this are beyond the scope of this tutorial.

What you will want to control, however is what buttons activate these two motors and the power you set. You do this by opening the file:

* Copyright (C) 2016 John H. Gaby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Contact:
import commands.Aux2Command;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.buttons.Button;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.buttons.JoystickButton;
* This class is the glue that binds the controls on the physical operator
* interface to the commands and command groups that allow control of the robot.
// One type of button is a joystick button which is any button on a joystick.
// You create one by telling it which joystick it's on and which button
Joystick m_stick=newJoystick(0);
Button m_aux1Forward=newJoystickButton(m_stick,1);
Button m_aux1Reverse=newJoystickButton(m_stick,2);
Button m_aux2Forward=newJoystickButton(m_stick,3);
Button m_aux2Reverse=newJoystickButton(m_stick,4);
Button m_servoMin=newJoystickButton(m_stick,6);
// There are a few additional built in buttons you can use. Additionally,
// by subclassing Button you can create custom triggers and bind those to
// Once you have a button, it's trivial to bind it to a button in one of
// Start the command when the button is pressed and let it run the command
// until it is finished as determined by it's isFinished method.

It is here that we define which buttons we are going to use and what happens when you press them. For the two aux motors we are going to use buttons 1 through 4. Button 1 will make aux motor 1 rotate at half power in one direction and button 2 will make it rotate at half power in the opposite direction. The motors will stop when the button is released. Similarly buttons 3 and 4 will control aux motor 2. For the servo, we will use buttons 5 and 6 with button 5 moving the servo to the max position and button 6 moving it to the min position.

We define which buttons we are going to use with the following lines: